What are Protozoans?
- The Mobility Factor
- Eat or be Eaten
Kingdom Protista (121775+ species)
- Section I Chromobionts (30,000-100,000 species)
- Phylum Chrysophyta
- Phylum Synurophyta
- Phylum Haptophyta
- Phylum Xanthophyta
- Phylum Pedinellophyta
- Phylum Chlorarachniophyta
- Phylum Eustigmatophyta
- Phylum Bacillariophyta
- Phylum Phaeophyta
Brown Algae
- Phylum Oomycota
- Phylum Hyphochytridiomycota
- Phylum Proteromonadea
- Phylum Opalinata
- Section II Chlorobionts (10,000 species)
- Phylum Chlorophyta
- Phylum Charophyta
- Phylum Micromonadophyta
- Phylum Pleurastrophyta
- Phylum Ulvophyta
- Phylum Glaucophyta
- Section III Euglenozoa (1,600 species)
- Phylum Euglenophyta
- Phylum Kinetoplastidea
- Class Bodoninea
- Class Trypanosomatea
- Phylum Pseudociliatea
- Phylum Hemimastigophorea
- Section IV Rhodophytes (5,000 species)
Red Algae
- Section V. Cryptomonads (200 species)
- Section VI Dinozoa (4,200 species)
- Phylum Dinoflagellata
- Class Peridinea
- Class Syndinea
- Section VII Chytrids
- Section VIII Choanoflagellates
- Section IX Polymastigotes (750-800 species)
- Phylum Metamonadea
- Class Retortamonadea
- Class Diplomonadea
- Class Oxymonadea
- Phylum Parabasalia
- Class Trichomonadea
- Class Hypermastiginea
- Section X Rhizopod sarcodines (44,000 species)
- Phylum Karyoblastea
- Phylum Lobosea
- Phylum Filosea
- Phylum Acarpomyxea
- Phylum Granuloreticulosa
- Phylum Mycetozoa
- Class Protosteliidea
- Class Myxogastrea
- Phylum Dictyosteliidea
- Phylum Acrasidea
- Phylum Plasmodiophorea
- Phylum Xenophyophorea
- Phylum Labyrinthomorpha
- Section XI Actinopod sarcodines (11,000-12,000 species)
- Phylum Actinophryidea
- Phylum Centrohelidea
- Phylum Gymnosphaeridea
- Phylum Desmothoracidea
- Phylum Taxopoda
- Phylum Acantharia
- Phylum Polycystina
- Phylum Phaeodaria
- Section XII Apicomplexans (5,000 species)
- Phylum Sporozoa
- Class Gregarinidea
- Class Coccidea
- Class Hematozoea
- Class Perkinsidea
- Section XIII Microsporidia (800 species)
- Phylum Microsporidia
- Section XIV Haplosporidia (25 species)
- Phylum Haplosporidia
- Section XV Myxozoa (1,200+ species)
- Phylum Myxosporidia
- Phylum Paramyxidia
- Section XVI Ciliates (8,000 species)
- Phylum Ciliophora
- Class Karyorelictea
- Class Spirotrichea
- Class Litostomatea
- Class Prostomatea
- Class Phylloaryngea
- Class Nassophorea
- Class Oligohymenophorea
- Class Colpodea
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