America - 1968AD
In 1968AD:
President Johnson announced he will not seek a second term of office.
Civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated.
Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated.
Anti-war demonstrators clashed with police at the Democratic convention in Chicago.
The Federal Gun Control Act regulated the interstate commerce in firearms.
Jacqueline Kennedy married the Greek shipping millionaire Aristotle Onassis.
The Saturn rocket lifted the Apollo 7 spacecraft into low Earth orbit.
The Apollo 8 spacecraft made the first manned orbit of the Moon.
Oceanographic ship
Glomar Challenger
began the Deep-Sea Drilling Project.
American skater Peggy Fleming won the singles title at the winter Olympic Games.
American track star Bob Beamon beat the Olympic long jump record by almost 2 feet.
Arthur Ashe became the first black player to win a major men's tennis title.
Filmmaker Stanley Kubrick directed
2001: A Space Odyssey
Filmmaker Mel Brooks directed, produced and appeared in
The Producers
American writer Tom Wolfe published
The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test
Spanish operatic tenor Placido Domingo debuted at the Metropolitan Opera.
Dick Fosbury used the Fosbury flop to win the Olympic gold medal for the high jump.
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