America - 1953AD
In 1953AD:
Eisenhower was inaugurated as the 34th U.S. president; Nixon became vice-president.
John Foster Dulles was selected as the U.S. secretary of state.
A Redstone rocket (based on the German V-2) was tested at Cape Canaveral.
Murray Gell-Mann proposed the strangeness property of some subatomic particles.
The first heart-lung machine was developed by Dr. John Gibbon.
American physicist Charles H. Townes invented the maser.
Golfer Ben Hogan won the U.S. Open, Masters, and British Open tournaments.
American tennis player Maureen Connolly (Little Mo) won the Grand Slam.
Marilyn Monroe starred in the film
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
Arthur Miller wrote
The Crucible
, a play about the Salem Witch Trials.
Black writer James Baldwin published his first novel
Go Tell It on the Mountain
Hugh Hefner published the first issue of
American writer Saul Bellow published
The Adventures of Augie March
Physicist Donald Glaser invented the bubble chamber to detect subnuclear particles.
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